The Brookes Moscow Boarding Student Voice

20.01.2023-349 Large

The Brookes Moscow Boarding Student Voice

Due to the increase in the number of students living in the boarding house, and the need to express and support their interests and requests, Mr. King took the initiative to organise the Boarding Student Voice.

The Brookes Moscow Boarding Student Voice is an independent committee, where representatives discuss suggestions brought up by fellow boarders.

The Student Voice instils and ensures discipline and punctuality in the boarding community. The Council assists the Boarding staff in ensuring an environment of brotherhood, camaraderie and esprit-de-corp within the boarding house and the School.

The BSV held its first meeting on 2/3/2023 and has been assembling weekly since then on Thursdays.

The representatives don’t represent individual year groups, but instead represent the boarding community as a whole. The BSV’s heads are the Founding Head of Boarding and the Secretary.

The BSV cabinet for the academic year of 2022-2023 is:

-Founding Head of Boarding Dr. Ivan Koshevoi

-Secretary Christos

-Representatives Hyunjin, Ksenia, Stefania and Yijin

BSV provides boarders with a platform to advocate for improvements and to create a more positive and inclusive living and learning environment for everyone.

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