‘Whatever you do, don’t look down’

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Whatever you do, don’t look down’

On Thursday 27th April, we were delighted to invite the entire Brookes Moscow school community to another Lower School production, this time starring Year 5 and 6, with a wonderful interpretation of J.M. Barrie’s classic tale of innocence and adventure: Peter Pan!

A cast of more than 50 performers, backed by a live band, set the Performance Hall alight with 8 action-packed scenes and 11 show-stopping tunes - truly an evening to remember for the audience!

As the (fairy!) dust settles, we are all so proud of how the school community came together across the last few weeks and months to make this an occasion to remember. An amazing display of teamwork and the perfect way to showcase the talent we have in Lower School at Brookes Moscow.

We look forward to sharing many more Lower School Productions with you all soon!

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