What do we do in our PYP Specialist lessons?


At Brookes Moscow, we aim to provide our Early Years and Lower School students with a variety of exceptional learning experiences each day, inside and outside of the classroom. We are fortunate to have experienced staff from diverse backgrounds, and our Primary Years Programme (PYP) specialist lessons offer students the chance to interact with different teachers in a range of settings.

In addition to learning English with their homeroom teacher, all of our PYP students have the opportunity to study our host country language, Russian, as well as Mandarin, from native speakers. We also have a dedicated team of PHE and Swimming staff here to ensure students learn the importance of staying healthy and leading active lifestyles. With a range of musical and drama performances throughout the year, we have a talented Performing Arts team preparing students and honing these skills.

Across the PYP, we want students to feel excited about their learning, to come to school each day enthused about exploring their interests. PYP Specialist lessons are crucial in offering variety and balance to the curriculum and we know this is something our Early Years & Lower School students and families truly appreciate at Brookes Moscow.

#LifelongLearning #BeBalanced #BeBrookes

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