Open Day and Scholarship Programme registration open

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Open Day at Brookes Moscow will be held on Saturday June 3rd. During the weekend we will be hosting applications for scholarships, for existing and external students also. These will happen onsite and in person at the Brookes Moscow Campus.

Applications for scholarships are open ONLY for entry into: Year 7, Year 10 and Year 12. Scholarships are open in the following disciplines: The Arts, Sport and Academia.

If you would like you son/daughter to apply for this opportunity, please take time over the coming weeks to complete form.

The deadline for scholarship entries is Monday 22nd May 2023, after which full details of the 2 days will be sent to invited candidates. If you have not heard from the school, by Friday 26th May 2023, please note that your child's application was unsuccessful.

We look forward to meeting you children on this day, should you wish to apply.

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