Brookes Science Project Competition (2000 x 500 px) (1)

Brookes Science Project Competition

Find your Voice in the World of Science

Welcome to the Brookes Science Project Competition, an exciting platform that ignites innovation and celebrates scientific inquiry among schools in Moscow. This prestigious competition aims to inspire and showcase the ingenuity of students across Year 10, 11, 12 and 13 as they delve into the realms of science. With an array of categories designed to challenge and engage young minds the Brookes Science Project Competition serves as a catalyst for exploration, experimentation and discovery.

Innovations for Sustainability

The Brookes Science Project Competition represents a celebration of curiosity, creativity, and intellectual curiosity, reflecting our commitment to fostering a culture of scientific excellence and innovation among the youth of Moscow. As we embark on this transformative journey of discovery and exploration, we invite students and educators to join us in celebrating the remarkable achievements and groundbreaking discoveries that emerge from the Brookes Science Project Competition. Together, let us inspire the next generation of scientists, engineers, and innovators who will shape the future of our world.



Brookes Science Project Competition provides understanding and solutions to environmental problems using scientific knowledge. Each Science project can be prepared and presented by up to two students. Presentation of the models is highly encouraged, but not required. However, a research description paper (with data, graphics, photos, and drawings of the design concept) is required as part of the application and presentation.

Students are expected to present a solution using scientific methods for a problem that fits in one of the following categories:

* Environmental Quality * Ecology and Biodiversity * Resource and Energy * Human Ecology * Innovation

SCIENCE | Environmental Quality

The category of Environmental Quality encompasses the study of assessing, analysing, and providing solutions to the problems of environmental pollution-such as air, water, soil, and noise pollution- and their potential effects on the health of all organisms, including humans. The world around us changes all the time. How is our quality of life affected by the environment?

Brookes Science Competition seeks solutions to problems related to indoor and outdoor air quality; health effects of air, water, soil; consequences for health from radiation and noise pollution; pollution management (e.g. systems for early warning or control of pollution incidents); measurement of pollution; wastewater treatment and remediation; solid waste treatment and remediation.

SCIENCE | Ecology and Biodiversity

The category of Ecology and Biodiversity encompasses the study of plant and animal populations, plant and animal communities, and the network of relations among organisms. How do organisms relate to their environment and food sources, at both large and small scales?

Brookes Science Competition seeks solutions to problems related to the movement of food, resources, and energy through living communities; the assessment of the value of the local ecosystems; the effects of populations on ecosystems (e.g. excessive fishing, excessive farming); the destruction of habitat and its effects on the health of living organisms, including humans; genetic pollution and hybridization and their effects on food security and biodiversity; the effects of climate change on biodiversity; the distribution and abundance of organisms and more.

SCIENCE | Resource and Energy

The category of Resources and Energy encompasses the study of energy sources, such as mineral, water, wood, coal, oil, gas, nuclear, wind, sun, and soil sources, including efforts to increase their efficiency in producing energy and to reduce the impact of their use on the environment. How do we use these resources? How can we do it better?

Brookes Science Competition solutions to problems related to the responsible use of non-renewable natural resources; efficient use of non-renewable natural sources (e.g., in energy and goods production); contribution of non-renewable natural sources to global warming; the efficient use of renewable natural sources (e.g., in energy and goods production); soil degradation, erosion, and remediation; efficient use of water resources and other important issues.

SCIENCE | Human Ecology

The category of Human Ecology encompasses the study of the relationship between humans and their natural, social, and built environments, the effects of environmental changes on human behavior, and the effects of human behavior on the environment. The world of humans is inextricably connected with the environment. How are human interactions changing over time? How are those changes related to the environment?

Brookes Science Competition solutions to problems related to society and its knowledge about sustainability; social changes that affect the environment; social equality regarding food and water supplies; social equality regarding access to education and quality of life; education about the environment and sustainability; the business and economy of sustainability; sustainable engineering and construction; society and energy usage; developing a sustainable low-waste society; social behavior involving recycling, reuse, and waste reduction programs; social views about environmental regulations, policies and programs and more.

SCIENCE | Innovation

Innovation is defined as creating new or different tangible products or processes as a result of a novel idea or a method to make our lives better, healthier, and environmentally friendly.

Brookes Science Competition seeks engineering and design solutions for a specific use, such as new or different tools and equipment used in life, such as kitchens, schools, office space, to make processes faster or more effective (reducing waste, etc), or more user friendly and healthier.

Step 1. Application Procedure

The Brookes Science Project Competition is open to all students studying in Year 10,11 and Year 12,13 (Classes 8, 9 and Classes 10, 11 according to Russian Class Structure).

All projects from the same School must be submitted in one Application Form.

Applications must be submitted before the Deadline - April 30, 2024.

We kindly ask you to name the PDFs according to the rule: SchoolName/YearGroup/Category/ProjectName.

All students and chaperones have to communicate in English or Russian well enough to present their projects. Translators for student presenters are allowed.

Application Form
Step 2. Registration Procedure

All applications will be evaluated and a List of Finalists will be published on the Competition's webpage on the 13th of May 2024.

Finalists (Students/Supervisors) have to attend The Brookes Science Project Fair on the 20th of May to present their Projects to be eligible for Participation Certificates or any Awards.

To attend The Brookes Science Project Fair finalists have to submit The Registration Form before the Deadline - the 15th of May. The link to the Registration Form and Finalist's Guide will be emailed to the School's Representative right after the Finalists' announcement.

The Brookes Science Project Fair

Timeline and Agenda:

10:00 Students arrive and start to prepare their stands

11:30 - 13:00 Judging sessions

13:10-14:00 Lunch and refreshments

14:00 - 16:00 Presentations for all participants and guests

16: 30 Award ceremony in the Performance Hall

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Judging a Science Project Competition

When judging a science project competition, it's essential to consider various aspects that showcase the depth and quality of the students' work. Below are six main criteria the jury will follow to assess the projects:

1. Scientific Method:

Clarity of Hypothesis: Is the hypothesis clearly stated and testable?

Experimental Design: Are the procedures well-defined, replicable, and appropriate for testing the hypothesis?

Variables: Are independent and dependent variables identified and controlled appropriately?

Data Collection: Is the data collection systematic, reliable, and sufficient to draw conclusions?

Analysis: Are statistical methods or other analysis techniques used effectively to interpret results?

2. Creativity and Innovation:

Originality: Does the project demonstrate a unique and innovative approach to the scientific question?

Creative Problem-Solving: How well does the student address challenges and unexpected issues during the project?

Unconventional Thinking: Does the project exhibit creative thinking beyond standard procedures?

3. Presentation and Communication:

Clarity: How well is the project presented, with clear and concise explanations of the research question, methods, and results?

Visual Aids: Are charts, graphs, and other visual aids used effectively to enhance understanding?

Speaking Skills: Does the student communicate confidently and effectively, engaging the audience?

4. Depth of Understanding:

Scientific Knowledge: Does the project show a solid understanding of relevant scientific principles and concepts?

Depth of Analysis: How well does the student analyze and interpret the results in the context of existing scientific knowledge?

Insightful Conclusions: Are the conclusions drawn from the results insightful and supported by evidence?

5. Relevance to Real-World Applications:

Practical Implications: Does the project have potential real-world applications or solve a practical problem?

Impact: How significant could the findings be in addressing broader issues or advancing scientific understanding?

Innovation Transferability: Can the concepts or methods be applied in other fields or situations?

6. Quality of Display and Organization:

Visual Appeal: Is the display visually appealing, well-organized, and easy to navigate?

Logistical Organization: Are materials and equipment well-arranged, and is there a logical flow to the display?

Attention to Detail: Does the presentation demonstrate attention to detail in design, layout, and overall presentation?

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Participation Certificates

Every finalist who takes part in The Brookes Science Project Fair gets a Participation Certificate signed by the juries.