Royal Rugby School at Brookes Moscow

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We are excited to announce that Brookes Moscow school is partnering with the Royal Rugby School ( to offer tag rugby training sessions. Rugby is a traditional English sport, exciting and physically challenging that encourages teamwork, discipline, and perseverance. We believe that this is a fantastic opportunity for the children to learn new skills and develop their physical abilities while having fun.

Join us for a master class on March 24th from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm to experience tag rugby and see how the training will be conducted. The master class is open to parents and children aged 7+. If your child enjoys the master class, regular rugby training sessions will be offered starting April 10th. Experienced English-speaking coaches from the Royal Rugby School will conduct the training sessions.

To sign up for the master class, please fill out the FORM by March 20th. We encourage you to take advantage of this exciting opportunity for your child to learn a new sport and develop their physical abilities.

We look forward to seeing you and your child at the master class.

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