MUN Brookes Delegates


On Monday 27th March, nine Year 11 Brookes Moscow students travelled to St Petersburg to take part in the 27th Annual SPIMUN conference held at Gymnasium 157 school. The conference took place over two days from the 28th - 29th March. With over 70 delegates representing more than 25 different countries, each day involved lobbying, debating and compromising in their assigned committees in order to create resolutions designed to help solve some of the world's most pressing problems. Despite it being a first time at a Model United Nations Conference for our students, and despite the fact that our students were among the youngest at the conference (there were even university students taking part!), our delegates excelled over the two days, taking active roles in debating, giving eloquent and meaningful speeches and helping to deliver detailed and actionable resolutions. Our delegates' efforts were clearly noted by the Chairs of the committees as our students dominated the Awards Ceremony held on the final afternoon. Special mentions must go to Abeer, Preston and Maya who scooped up the Best Delegates awards for their respective committees. However every one of our Brookes delegates set an outstanding example that has made the school proud. They are already looking ahead to the next opportunity of taking part in another MUN Conference!

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