Earth Day at Brookes Moscow


Brookes Moscow children know they have the whole world in their hands. We care for our planet and our planet’s future.

Last week leading up to Earth Day children from Pre Nursery to Year 6 designed recycling bins that will function as inspiration to keep our classrooms, halls and learning spaces clean. Strong home learning connections were made as children were inspired to be creative, turning recycled materials into very fashionable items.

In addition to this fashion contest, the school also held a charity drive to raise funds for a charity supporting and saving local birds. Students donated their artistic creations generously and showed their compassion towards animals in need. It was a heartwarming sight to see the students come together for a good cause.

Our Friday assembly on the importance of taking care of our planet and the impact of our actions on the environment included a challenge to take action in taking care of the Earth by taking care of our school. Children were encouraged to work together to plant flowers and make a wonderful garden. The students were excited and enthusiastic, and they worked tirelessly to transform the school garden into a beautiful and vibrant space.

The Earth Day celebration at Brookes Moscow was not only a fun-filled day but also an opportunity to raise awareness about environmental issues and inspire the younger generation to take action to protect our planet. It was an excellent initiative by the school to educate students about the importance of sustainability and encourage them to make a positive impact on the world around them.

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