Beginning of our After School Activities Programme

This week our afterschool activities Brookes + (recreational programme) and Gryphon Life Sports and Aquatics (competitive programme) started for the year. Brookes+ is designed for all years, whereas the Gryphon Life Sports and Aquatics programme invites years 5-13 students.
More than 150 students will participate in the Gryphon Life Sports and Aquatics competitive programme 2023/24 and are looking forward to beating last years’ achievements:
- We participated in and hosted MAC tournaments (Moscow Athletics Conference): Football (5 tournaments), Basketball (2 tournaments), Badminton (2 tournaments), Chess (1 tournament), Volleyball (2 tournaments), Swimming (4 swimming galas)
- Traveled to WSG (World School Games) and participated in Basketball, Football, Swimming, Athletics competitive categories
Our after school programme not only helps children to develop soft skills, to socialize, to improve physical health, to receive emotional support, but supports children in understanding themselves and others better, to manage their time wiser, boost confidence and strengthen their CV and reference letters for college applications.
Check photos from last academic year.
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