Year6 Personal Projects Exhibition

Year6 Personal Projects Exhibition
The PYP exhibition is the culminating, collaborative experience in the final year of the IB Primary Years Programme. Over the last few weeks and months, our Year 6 students explored, documented, and shared their understanding of an issue of personal significance.
On Thursday 1st June, Year 6 invited the parents, students and staff from our Brookes Moscow community to listen, watch, and participate as our students shared their findings! The theme of this year’s exhibition was ‘Sharing the Planet’, and it was wonderful to see the enthusiasm and passion the students demonstrated throughout the evening, discussing some complex issues with impressive depth.
The exhibition also forms part of the Year 6 transition as they head towards the Middle Years Programme in Year 7 next year. This was a perfect send off for a wonderful group of students and we are so proud of everything they have achieved this year — good luck in Upper School, Year 6!
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