The Diploma Programme

Did you know that graduates of the IB Diploma Programme are 40% more likely to achieve a first or upper second-class honors degree? Our commitment to excellence is backed by research—according to Olivia Halic and Emily VanderKamp, DP students are three times more likely to enroll in top 20 higher education institutions compared to their A-levels counterparts.
The Diploma Programme is designed for students aged 16-18 and is the final stage of IB before departure to universities. Our students study six subjects alongside three core elements, giving them a confident foundation for the next stage of their education journeys.
The three core elements of the DP are completely unique:
TOK: Theory of Knowledge helps students to understand the nature of knowledge and to think critically about the role of knowledge in their own culture and other cultures around the world.
EE: The Extended Essay is an independent research essay that investigates a topic of a student’s personal interest.
CAS: Creativity, Activity, Community engages students in a variety of activities alongside academic pursuits that foster their personal and interpersonal development through experiential learning.
At Brookes Moscow, we focus on more than just academic success; we shape well-rounded individuals ready to navigate the challenges of higher education and beyond.
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