New Educational Programme of Brookes Moscow


It's been a few days since our school corridors have been emptied and our students have left for different parts of the world to enjoy the winter vacation and gain strength for the next fruitful academic run.

It is time to summarize the interim results of the academic year 2023/24 and we have a lot to share! In addition to the amazing academic achievements of our students, we are also proud of their victories in inter-school sports competitions, debate contests, their courage and ability to express themselves in theater productions, and excellent balance between studies and extracurricular activities.

We at Brookеs Moscow always prioritize the interests of our students, therefore we have prepared an exciting educational option for them in the new year of 2024. Our new educational program "BROOKES", which combines two systems: International Baccalaureate (IB) and Russian state FSES, will allow students to successfully obtain both systems.

The programme will start in September 2024 for children from 7 to 10 years old!

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