Lower School Sports Day


Lower School Sports Day

With the Brookes Moscow House Competition reaching a thrilling climax this year, on Thursday 8th June our Lower School students took to the field to participate in our annual Sports Day — the perfect opportunity to showcase their athletic prowess whilst winning some valuable points for their House!

With the sun shining, Mr Mallon and Ms Dunja began proceedings, completed with an incredible performance from our Early Years Cheerleaders! It was then time to compete as our participants tested themselves in a range of track, field, and team (football) events. An action-packed morning was rounded off with a medal ceremony and a healthy smoothie.

Will it be Windsor, Blarney, Caernarfon or Blarney this year??! The final reckoning awaits but all of our students can be proud of their efforts on what was a wonderful day.

Getting active, working together, having fun — well done to all of our Lower School students!

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