‘I loved you; and perhaps I love you still’

‘I loved you; and perhaps I love you still’
Every year Pushkin Day is celebrated worldwide on June 6th, to celebrate the enormous contribution Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin made to the development of the Russian language, and to appreciate his creativity and mastery as a poet and a writer.
Last week, as part of the celebrations for Pushkin Day, our dedicated team of Russian teachers prepared an assembly for our Lower School students and families, and the stars of the show were the students studying Russian as an additional language!
The students put so much effort into learning their lines and rehearsing and the assembly was a wonderful way to round off a special day.
Well done to all of the actors and keep up the good work learning Russian!
#IBDiploma #IBschoolMoscow #IBeducation #BrookesLanguages #Unlockyourpotential #Pushkinday #Moscowschool #Moscowinternationalschool #Russianlanguage