Brookes Moscow International IB World School Sports Day 2022


Brookes Moscow International IB World School held the Sports Day for the children of the School from Year 6 to Year 12 on 27th of June 2022.

Because of the hot weather in Moscow the Sports Day took place in the Grand School Premises with part of the activities outdoors on the School grounds in the cool shady areas early in the morning, and the rest of the day was spent indoors. The Sports Day provided the children a fabulous opportunity to exercise, show the skills they’ve learnt, strengthen friendships and spend a joyful day with fellow students. 

Children were split into groups by School houses and took part in various competitions and games, such as javelin, shot put, tug of war, volleyball tournament and capture the flag.

All the children were looked after during the whole day, they had enough water supply, the School staff team was there all day long to help around. The children enjoyed the day,  tried many activities, were excited to participate in the games and competitions, develop social skills and team-building spirit, glad to release the energy and spend time with friends!

At the end of the Sports Day there was an award giving ceremony, the children had an opportunity to support each other and cheer for fellow students, be proud of their achievements, the day was full of excitement!

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