Brookes Moscow Educational Journeys

These days our year 9 students embarked on an educational journey to the Luzhniki Sports Stadium, and it was nothing short of extraordinary!
Exploring the very grounds where the 2018 World Cup final unfolded was a profound experience, steeped in history. We had the privilege of sitting in the Presidential Lounge and gained insights into the long history of changes and renovations that shaped this iconic venue and its timeless design. Plus, a cool highlight — we stepped inside the legendary changing rooms where the most famous football players prepared for their historic matches and celebrated their victories afterwards!
It was an unforgettable day of learning and inspiration for our students!
GoGryphons! #ШколаБрукс #BrookesMoscow #частнаяшкола #международнаяшкола
#BrookesBasketball #Sportsmanship #Luzhniki #лужники #образовательнаяпоездка #educationaltrip #schooltrip