Autumn Festival

Last week was a festive week at Brookes Moscow with the start of our «Autumn Festival» and autumn themed activities and events.
House competitions were the events of the day on Wednesday with both Early Years and Lower School participating. Early Years children had a creepy crawlies race, hunting for crawlies hiding in slime. The fastest House to collect and race their creepy crawlies to the other side of the room were the winners. Congratulations to Blarney, who won the race!
Lower School students took part in a competition of decoration and created scary houses, using several materials, including paint, wire, bin bags and balloons. The scariest house was then chosen by Early Years students who decided on Windsor as the winners!
On Thursday, 20th October, families joined in with the fun decorating and carving pumpkins with children in Early Years and Lower School. All in all there were 260 pumpkins decorated! 🎃