Jungle Book


On Thursday 7th March, Brookes Moscow welcomed hundreds of excited spectators into our performance hall for the Year 5 and 6 production of the ‘Jungle Book’. The show was a culmination of months of hard work, highlighting the amazing bond between students and staff.

As part of their inquiry into ‘How We Express Ourselves’ the Year 6 students delved into all things media. Students continued to develop their ATL Skills and explored persuasive features of advertising, the importance of language in media as well as how image and colour impact an audience amongst many other features.

Using this learning, students in Year 6 set about working on their summative assessment with the challenge being to devise an advertising campaign that could ‘fill the performance hall’. As part of this, the children created multiple slogans for our campaign before voting on their favourite to be used in all promotional materials, developing their communication skills throughout the process.

In addition to this, the students submitted eye-catching logos that they felt represented the show with some stunning entries received. The chosen logo adorned all of our adverts, including the official poster for the performance which was created by Year 6 students using language developed during their daily English lessons as they made connections across subject areas using different thinking skills.

Like with other summative assessments, the Year 6 students took great pride in their final work which was visible all around our school in the lead-up to the main event. The opportunity to take on such an important role as part of the ‘Jungle Book’ is something that our oldest PYP students took incredibly seriously with the result being a fantastic night of entertainment in front of a full house!

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