IB exams at Brookes Moscow

As you may know, some international schools have been facing difficulties in providing their students with exams’ procedures. We at Brookes Moscow, the only international school in Moscow with overseas campuses and boarding option, are able to run exams as usual. And our students are about to pass their final exams - we are very proud to have our third row of graduates soon!
How are IB exams scored? The IB does not assign passing scores for individual courses. A student simply receives a course score between one and seven. The grade descriptions for each course give an indication of the level of achievement a student reached for any given score. Many universities often use a score of “4” or “5” as the minimum for granting admission or advanced placement. For the full Diploma Programme, which is different from an individual DP course score, the minimum passing score is 24 points, assuming all other passing conditions have been met. Other passing conditions are ТOK, theory of knowledge, EЕ, extended essay, CAS, Creativity, Activity, Service.
Last year the world IB point average was 30,24 and Brookes Moscow’s point average was 31,27 with five top achievers - students that scored between 40-45. We are looking forward to this year's results.
We wish our DP and MYP students good luck in the exams they are taking these days!
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