Happy Chinese New Year to everyone! 春节快乐!


We at Brookes Moscow are getting ready to celebrate the new year! This time it’s Chinese New Year, which is called Spring Festival as it usually marks the beginning of spring. Years 7-13 held an assembly on the 7th of February dedicated to this event.

Our students enthusiastically talked about how Spring Festival is celebrated in China, why Chinese people must make jiaozi (Chinese dumplings) on this day, what the color red symbolizes, and why it is necessary to gather together at a round table. Immediately after their presentation, they tested the audience’s knowledge with a fun and engaging quiz. The audience gladly answered all, even tricky questions, demonstrating excellent knowledge of Chinese culture. They also learned to write characters — and it was the students who taught everyone, including the teachers!

At Brookes Moscow we apply theoretical knowledge in practice — it is a main approach of the International Baccalaureate. The same principle is applied to learning Chinese: children learn about the culture and history to better understand the context, write out characters, sing songs, and even make jiaozi with a teacher and a Chinese chef.

Fun fact! Did you know that jiaozi symbolizes wealth and prosperity? That’s why their shape should be similar to silver and gold ingots that were used instead of money in ancient times.

Happy Chinese New Year to everyone! 春节快乐!

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