DP Art Final Exhibition

Parents and friends of Brookes Moscow students are cordially invited to attend the highly anticipated Visual Arts Exhibition this Friday, March 22, at 2:00 p.m. in the Performance Hall!
Our Diploma Programme students have been working hard in preparation for two years. They meticulously identified the best concept, chose the right presentation for their future creation, and added profound meaning to every detail, as all artwork always reflects an idea. In the process they put on different roles: painter or sculptor, producer, curator of their own exhibition space, costumer, designer, copywriter of their etiquetage — a written explanation of the work.
Our students have come a long way and have done a tremendous amount of work, the fruits of which will be sent to the International Baccalaureate organisation for final disciplinary evaluation. And subsequently, they can send their creations to the universities of their choice for admission.
At the exhibition, you will see unique artworks made in different techniques and genres. Students used charcoal, sepia, oil, clay, plasticine, fabric, caprone, hollow fibre and other materials to bring their ideas to life. Each piece is a story, an emotion, a feeling that our students wanted to convey.
Visit our exhibition and dive into the world of art with us!
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