Brookes Science Project Competition

Brookes Science Project Competition

We encourage you to take part in the Brookes Science Project Competition!

This challenging competition is designed to inspire and showcase the ingenuity of science-minded students in grades 8-11 in Russian schools and grades 10-13 in international schools. With various categories designed to ignite young minds, the Brookes Science Project Competition serves as a catalyst for exploration, experimentation, and discovery.

No more than two students can prepare and present each science project.

Students should present a solution to a problem that fits one of the following categories:

  1. Environmental Quality
  2. Ecology and Biodiversity
  3. Resources and Energy
  4. Human Ecology
  5. Innovation

Applications must be submitted before the 30th of April, 2024. Finalists will be selected on the 13th of May, after which they must submit a registration form by the 15th of May.

An independent jury of renowned scientists and university educators will select the prize winners at the Brookes Science Project Fair on the 20th of May.

Learn more about the terms and conditions of the competition by following this link:

#Наука #Образование #КонкурсНаучныхПроектов #СредняяШкола #ШколыМосквы #Исследования #ВыставкаНаучныхПроектов #Образование #МолодыеУченые #ШколаБрукс #BrookesMoscow #частнаяшкола #международнаяшкола #модельоон #школаврадость #школьныйконкурс

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