Year 2 Production and Graduation


Heigh Ho’, Heigh Ho’, it’s off to Lower School Year 2 go! One of the best ways to show that our Early Years students are ready for their next steps on their learning journeys is to perform in front of an audience and showcase all the skills their time in Early Years has taught them. Performing in front of an audience can seem daunting but it has lots of benefits for children including encouraging teamwork and cooperation, raising students self-esteem and naturally, strengthening their memory which in return helps children in all aspects of their life (especially recalling information they are taught in school :)

Auditions, rehearsals and were held by our master writer and director Mr. Melvin who encouraged children to transport themselves to magical lands of talking mirrors, poisoned apples and the fairest princesses in the tale of Snow White. After a lot of practice the perseverance and determination of our Year 2 actors shone through with children singing and dancing their way to gasps of concern for Snow White’s fate and a rapturous applause when she was awoken from her slumber by the Prince and their special code word «Sunrise» which they share whenever the come up with a good idea!

Following the incredible musical and drama performance the children quickly changed into different costumes, ones that celebrated their academic achievement in Brookes Moscow Early Years and let them know what we teachers all know, these children are ready for Mr. Ackers Lower School next year! We congratulate all of our Year 2 Early Years graduates and with such a performance and graduation ceremony recognise all the hard work, effort and growth they have put into, and got out of, each and every day with us all in Early Years.

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