Year 13 Prom and Graduation


The moment finally arrived when we had to say goodbye to our Year 13 students. They are the second graduating class ever from Brookes Moscow and have had a wonderful impact on the school. Fresh from finishing their DP examinations, the students and families celebrated their graduation in school with speeches from students and teachers. Later on that evening we had the Year 13 Prom aboard the Radisson Cruise where students and staff got to celebrate together one last time and reminisce about all the wonderful memories that the students have taken from the school. The graduates now look forward to moving around the world to a range of countries and wonderful universities. We wish them all the very best of luck in the future and know that they will take all their wonderful learning with them throughout life.

#internationalschoolrussia #moscowschool #BrookesMoscowGraduates2023 #BrookesProm #IBSchoolMoscow #международныйдиплом #международнаяшкола

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