Trip to Baikal


At Brookes Moscow School, we firmly believe that the best investments are those made with precious moments and unforgettable experiences. That’s why we are thrilled to share the incredible adventure of a lifetime our Year 11 had — a school trip to the mesmerizing Lake Baikal!

From the stern Chersky Peak to the mystical Shaman Stone, they were awestruck by the rugged natural beauty surrounding them. They witnessed the incredible ethnic traditions of the region, connecting with ancient shamanic practices that still resonate today. Gazing upon the serene waters of Lake Baikal, they found solace in its breathtaking landscapes, discovering the spiritual significance that it holds for the local population. The Baikal Limnological Museum has unveiled the secrets of this remarkable body of water, making the journey even more fascinating.

Our students were engaged in a range of educational activities and workshops that brought them closer to understanding the unique ecosystems and cultures that call this region home. The trip also had a strong focus on environmental awareness. Our students learnt about the delicate balance of the Baikal ecosystem and how crucial it is to protect this natural wonder.

These experiences are investments in the future that shape not only our students' characters but also the way they view the world.

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