‘Transition Week’


‘Transition Week’ at Brookes Moscow is the culmination of a six month programme aimed at preparing our Year 6 students for their move to the MYP. Over the past two terms students have had visits from upper school staff, taken part in taster sessions in the MYP, collaborated with students from the years above and even had a scavenger hunt to familiarise themselves with different areas of our campus!

During ‘Transition Week’ students have new homerooms, teachers and timetables. Using all of the self-management skills they have developed in the PYP they are now being challenged in new ways, both academically and socially. ‘Transition Week’ has even seen Year 6 take part in our Upper School Sports Day held at Legko-Atleticheskiy Manezh MGSU.

We are very proud of our Year 6 students and can now see that they are ready for the next stage of their educational journey at Brookes Moscow!

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