The Theory of Knowledge (TOK) exhibition


The Theory of Knowledge (TOK) exhibition is the culmination of DP students’ TOK internal assessment. Students select 3 objects and choose one out of 35 prompts available, with which they write a commentary to demonstrate how TOK concepts manifest in the real world. Prompts such as ‘what is the relationship between knowledge and culture? ’, ‘who owns knowledge? ’ or ‘are some types of knowledge more useful than others? ’ were some of the prompts selected by our Y12 students and that were discussed with other members of the community in this event. This marks the first milestone on their path towards their May 2024 examination session, and is one where students exercise logic and critical thinking and share it with others.

On Friday 23rd June we had our Year 12 TOK exhibition where the students prompted us with items that made us think and ask ourselves if we really understand where knowledge comes from. From lucky charms to sanitary wipes, electric cars to statues and favourite records, our students displayed their own unique take on TOK. Everyone who attended went away with more questions and more to consider and it all leads towards our Year 12 students preparing for their next steps in the DP.

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