The Pre-Nursery Seals


The school life of our Early Years classes is saturated and diverse! ✨

Today we would like to introduce you to our youngest class and their days of learning. The Pre-Nursery «Seals» are our 2-3 years old children who take their first giant leaps into the learning of English language, growing and playing  together, and feeling what it means to be a part of our Brookes Moscow community. During weekdays our kids jump into organized activities supported by our teachers, including circle time, sensory play, story time, breakfast, lunch and snack as well as outside play and quiet time in between. Open-ended discovery allows children to share what they already know, build their vocabulary with all classes and learn experiences, intended to help children develop their independence, strengthen their self-esteem and language skills. Our children love to take part in role play games where they can practice new words and sentences, develop their social interaction with each other and ask big questions about how the world works 🌎

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