Sports Day 2023

This year’s Lower School, Upper and Senior School Sports Day was bigger, better and Brooksier than anything that has ever gone before!
By 8:40am, breakfast had all been served and our convoy of buses set forth to the stadium. Our students competed across a range of track and field disciplines, with personal bests and sportsmanship on show throughout. The Year 7 High Jump saw a gladiatorial contest between students from Windsor and Balmoral, whilst the shot put in the sun saw the Year 9 students push themselves onto new heights.
House Spirit, healthy living and heart was shown by all competitors, with the medal ceremony during the assembly the next day a celebration of all things sport. Sports Day was also a key part of our Year 6 Transition programme, with Lower School students experiencing a taste of MYP life this week also getting the chance to compete on the field.
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