Personal Project exhibition evening at Brookes Moscow


Today our Y11 students at Brookes Moscow have reached the final stage of completion of the MYP Personal Project — submitting reports, where they had to reflect on the whole process and their hard work over the last 6 months.

The Personal Project (PP) is a compulsory piece of individual work in the final year of the MYP programme where students are expected to apply and demonstrate their skills in the area of their personal interest.

Our current Y11 students’ projects present a range of products: recipe books; videos on the history of cinematography, digital painting, issues with racism, water wastes, Japanese anime, a self-made drone and a robot, self-composed piece of music, organic artwork, charity events, an after school club, models of urban vertical garden and a park zone, a treadmill for a dog, research on stocks, weather effect on mood and effect of COVID-19 on students.

Our sincere congratulations to our 26 students, who deserve praise for their creativity, resilience and commitment, as well as massive thanks go to our wonderful PP supervisors and Y11 students’ families for their great support and help.

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