Community Project

Brookes Moscow is very familiar with the Personal Project by now, after students completing 4 successful exhibitions, so far with a 100% pass rate. So often referred to as the jewel in the crown of the MYP, the Personal Project is the culmination of so many ATL skills and ideas that students have developed throughout their MYP journey.
This academic year saw us undertake the Community Project for the first time so that students can be better prepared for what is to come later in the MYP. The Community Project is undertaken by Year 9 (MYP 3) students and it aims to allow students to take part in self directed learning linked to a Global Context. They then have to communicate their ideas and their discoveries in different ways.
We had projects supporting Dog Shelters, making scarves, using biofuels, teaching sign language, supporting students with special needs, building a water filter, making a solar powered car, supporting mental health through cartoons and advice on how to set up a business.
It was a delight to witness the passion and energy of the students as they presented their projects, all under the wonderful direction of Ms Lilit and Ms Audrey. The Personal Project of 2025 promises to be a big hit for all these students.
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