Brookes Saint Petersburg Grand Opening


The Grand Opening of Brookes Saint Petersburg was a major step in realising our potential within the Russian marketplace, to deliver such standards that will help our young learners achieve their goals in life. We were delighted to be joined by Elizaveta Boyareskya, who officially unveiled the school, standing alongside the Deputy Chairman to the Head of Foreign Economic Cooperation, Mr. Arbi Abubakarov. We were also joined by the Brookes Education Group Board, Jane Larsson from Council of International Schools, the Brookes Russia Senior Leadership and BEG Global Team.

The students at the school entertained us with such passion and devotion to their musical ability; a true inspiration to those younger students watching. A huge team of people helped bring forth the school in Saint Petersburg; from closure, through to licensing, opening and now to celebrating the future ahead of us. Thank you to all the parents who have put faith in the school, and for being with us on that special day.

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