Brookes Moscow Class of 2022 Alumni — Alexandra (Sasha)

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At Brookes we celebrate our students’ individuality and guide them to designing a life path unique to their identities. Our educators encourage them to delve into the new areas of studies and explore their hidden potential. Throughout our pupils’ school journey, we support them on the road to self-discovery and give them the tools to build their own future.

«The maths teachers at Brookes have been incredibly supportive — helping me outside of school hours and turning maths from one of my weaker subjects, to the one I’m studying at university, ” — shares Alexandra, one of our Class of 2022 alumni who is now majoring in Data Science and Mathematics.

Today, Sasha is attending the London School of Economics and Political Science part time and working full time as a Data Engineer. «It has been my dream to be able to work and study at the same time» — shares Alexandra — «LSE has made it possible for me and supported me in my endeavours».

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