

Our graduating year of 2024, produced another set of outstanding Diploma results, at Brookes Moscow. Once again, achieving a cohort score of above the global average - congratulations to our senior school students and the individual and collective achievements.

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Year12 Theory of Knowledge (TOK) Exhibition is one of the highlights of the IB Diploma Programme. The event is part of the IB Core assessment encouraging the learners to reflect on thought-provoking questions such as 'Who owns knowledge?' or 'What is the relationship between knowledge and culture?'

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Feet were flying at the Year 3 and 4 Sports Day! Our youngest athletes gave it their all in a variety of fun competitions.

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The PYP Exhibition 2024 was a vibrant showcase of our Year 6 students’ ingenuity and collaborative effort, marking the culmination of the Primary Years Programme.

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Graduates, savour this moment and be proud of how far you've come. You've made your family, friends, teachers and mentors extremely proud. This is just the beginning of an exciting new chapter. The future is yours to shape! Once again, congratulations and best wishes!

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