Upper School (MYP)

Lilit Harutyunyan
Lilit Harutyunyan
  • MYP Coordinator

At Brookes Moscow, we strive to inspire our students to embrace the opportunities presented by global changes. We aim to help students develop a conceptual understanding of the big ideas through multiple learning engagement activities, giving each child a fair opportunity to exhibit their skills. The Middle School students at Brookes Moscow have an environment that is created to support the learners achieve their highest potential keeping in mind their various needs. The pillars of Brookes Education — Character, Creativity and Connection are harmoniously inbuilt into the curricular and extracurricular activities, as well as the modern learning spaces. Our objective in Middle School is to develop the skills necessary to succeed in life. The MYP promotes sustained inquiry in subjects by developing conceptual understanding within global contexts, while related concepts promote deeper learning grounded in specific disciplines.

We are proud to share the 2023/24 Academic Year MYP results:

Average points Brookes Moscow — 42 out of 56 / World average score — 37.48 out of 56

Brookes Moscow highest score — 55 out of 56 highest possible

Average grade for examinations — 5.18 out of 7

Our average grades across 17 subjects were above the world average, including, but not limited to, English Language and Literature, Integrated Humanities, Mathematics, Sciences, Language Acquisition, Interdisciplinary Learning, and E-portfolio subjects such as Visual Arts, PHE, Media, and Drama, with perfect 7s achieved in 11 subjects.

Personal Project Brookes Moscow average — 4.93 / World average — 4.02 /

At Brookes Moscow International School, we take pride in our commitment to academic excellence. Our Middle Years Programme (MYP) has shown consistent growth, with students achieving remarkable results across all subject areas. This year, we’ve reached new heights, setting unprecedented benchmarks that reflect our dedication to continuous improvement. Building on this success, we remain focused on nurturing our students' potential and preparing them for future challenges in the IB Diploma Programme and beyond.


Outstanding MYP Results

Average Points
world average
56 highest possible
Average Grade for Exams
7 highest possible
Average for Personal Project
world average
7 highest possible

MYP Graduates 2023

MYP graduation

Middle Years Programme in the IB Curriculum

Guided by the IB mission to develop active, compassionate and lifelong learners, IB learner profile serves as a preparation of IB students for the world, to make exceptional contributions to local, national and global communities.

In Brookes Moscow, we ensure our students’ academic goals are achievable through implicit and explicit teaching of approaches to learning (ATL) skills, by «learning how to learn». As a result, our students become lifelong learners with strongly developed academic mindsets, who readily engage in productive behaviour, work collaboratively, identify problems and create solutions, respect differences among themselves, discover independence in thinking and action, become self-regulated, intrinsically motivated learners, pursue personal aspirations, set challenging goals and develop the persistence to achieve those goals, make reasoned ethical judgments and acquire the flexibility, perseverance and confidence needed in order to bring about meaningful change.

Why the Middle Years Programme?

Parents who want the best possible education for their children

choose the MYP because it includes:

— rigorous learning objectives

— a student-centred approach to teaching

— international perspectives

— concern for the whole child

— sustained teaching and learning in more than one language

— a focus on learning how to learn

— the development of flexible thinking that prepares students to evaluate information critically and apply knowledge in complex, unfamiliar situations.


Distinctive Features of the MYP

At the core of all IB Programmes is the learner profile, 10 attributes fostered in students that promote their development as responsible members of their local, national and global communities. IB learners strive to be inquirers, knowledgeable, thinkers, communicators, principled, open-minded, caring, risk-takers, balanced and reflective. In the MYP, students study 8 subject groups, with a minimum of 50 hours for Years 7 to 9, and 70 hours for Years 10 and 11. Distinctive features of the MYP include:
Key and Related Concepts
Key and related concepts are big ideas, which form the basis of teaching and learning in the MYP. They ensure breadth and depth in the curriculum and promote learning within and across traditional disciplines
Global Context
Global contexts provide shared starting points for inquiry into what it means to be internationally minded, framing a curriculum that promotes multilingualism, intercultural understanding and global engagement
Approaches to Teaching and Learning
Approaches to teaching and learning, a unifying thread throughout all MYP subject groups, are skills which help students manage their own learning. They provide a foundation for success in further education and the world beyond the classroom
Action and Service
Action and service, essential components of the MYP, set out clear learning outcomes that grow from students’ participation in local and global communities. MYP projects are informed by respected models of service learning and provide stepping stones toward the Diploma Programme’s core requirements for Creativity, Action and Service (CAS)
The Personal Project
The personal project, for students completing the programme in MYP Year 5, is a culminating experience in which students apply their approaches to learning skills to complete an extended, self-directed piece of work. This required component provides opportunities for creative and truly personal demonstrations of learning

IB MYP Curriculum

The MYP curriculum framework comprises eight subject groups, providing a broad and balanced education for early adolescents. Students take the core courses of language and literature, individuals and societies, mathematics, sciences, physical and health education, language acquisition, arts, and design. A unique feature of the programme is that it extends the traditional curriculum to include immersion in four themes — approaches to teaching and approaches to learning, global contexts and concepts.


MYP e-Assessments offer students the opportunity to demonstrate disciplinary and interdisciplinary understanding, international-mindedness, critical and creative thinking, problem-solving skills and the ability to apply knowledge in unfamiliar situations. This electronic assessment is a reliable, globally consistent and highly innovative assessment model that helps achieve greater student outcomes, provides quality assurance and earns an internationally-recognized certificate.

Students seeking IB MYP course results or the IB MYP certificate must complete end-of-programme on-screen examinations, which demonstrate their achievement of course objectives in the following disciplines:


Language and Literature

Language Acquisition

Individuals and Societies

Sciences [Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Integrated Science]

Interdisciplinary Learning

Students will submit an e-Portfolio for:

Language Acquisition (speaking component)

Arts (Visual: Visual Arts, Media; or Performing: Drama, Music)

Design: Digital or Product Design

Physical & Health Education

Personal Project

What is Service as Action?

In the MYP, taking meaningful action is a goal of the learning process. As the students become aware of the needs of different communities, through their curricular learning or on their own, they are encouraged to make choices about how to take thoughtful, positive action to make the world a better, more peaceful place. Meaningful action often begins with feeling empathy towards others and progresses to making and facilitating small changes and undertaking larger and more significant projects.

Service as Action is an integral part of the MYP at Brookes Moscow International School, giving students the opportunity to take what they are learning in the classroom and put it into action through a commitment to service: making a positive difference to the lives of others and the environment. The school encourages all students to engage in authentic activities that create a lasting impact on a community.

What is Service as Action?

During their time in the MYP students should find activities that will allow them to grow in all seven learning outcomes:

Awareness - Become more aware of your strengths and areas of growth

New Skills - Undertake challenges that develop new skills

Initiative - Discuss, plan and evaluate student-initiated activities

Commitment - Persevere in action

Collaboration - Work collaboratively with others

Global Value - Develop international-mindedness through global engagement, multilingualism, and inter-cultural understanding

Ethics - Consider the ethical implications of your actions

What is Service as Action?

The students deploy their knowledge of different subjects learned in school and apply to projects making a real, long-term improvement to the lives of local people. This is an ongoing and increasingly significant part of the curriculum. Students, inspired by their own success, grow more confident and compete with their own selves, reflecting and learning from their experiences, and setting new benchmarks for themselves and others. They are committed to nurturing healthy relationships within and outside the school community.

Empowering the students to initiate and conduct social service reinforces commitment to core values. Students learn to respect themselves and exhibit respect for others in diverse communities, to become responsible and independent world citizens.


MYP Personal Project Exhibition 2022

Screenshot 2023-01-27 at 12.09.39

The aims of the MYP projects are to encourage and enable students to:

  • participate in a sustained, self-directed inquiry within a global context
  • generate creative new insights and develop deeper understandings through in-depth investigation
  • demonstrate the skills, attitudes, and knowledge required to complete a project over an extended period of time
  • communicate effectively in a variety of situations
  • demonstrate responsible action through or as a result of, learning
  • appreciate the process of learning and take pride in their accomplishments.

Students must identify a global context for their MYP projects to establish their relevance and significance. The following global contexts direct learning towards independent inquiry.

  • Identities and relationships
  • Orientation in space and time
  • Personal and cultural expression
  • Scientific and technical innovation
  • Globalization and sustainability
  • Fairness and development.

MYP projects involve students in a wide range of student-planned learning activities that extend knowledge and understanding and develop important academic and personal skills.

What is the Community Project?

The Community Project is an important service and action project.

It is a mandatory part of IB MYP in Brookes Moscow whereby all students in Year 9 complete an inquiry-based project that showcases their understanding of Global contexts.

The students choose a community and serve it to the best of their abilities by investigating a need within a community and addressing that need through advocacy, research, direct or indirect service.

Community Project gives an opportunity to students to engage in service learning and demonstrate their approaches to learning skills. This journey helps the students to develop a deeper sense of empathy and develop a deeper understanding of one’s role in the community, both local and global. Community Project enables our students to engage in practical explorations through cycle of inquiry, action and reflection.

What is the Personal Project?

The MYP personal project is a student-centered and age-appropriate practical exploration in which students consolidate their learning throughout the programme. This long-term project is designed as an independent learning experience. The personal project formally assesses students’ ATL skills for self-management, research, communication, critical and creative thinking, and collaboration.

The personal project encourages students to practice and strengthen their ATL skills, connect classroom learning engagements with personal experience, and develop their own interests for lifelong learning.

Year 11 students must successfully complete the internally marked but externally moderated personal project to be eligible for IB MYP course results and the IB MYP certificate.

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