Paleontology Trip

As you know, our students are supported in a caring environment and given opportunities to learn about themselves and to take action in areas in which they are passionate.
We are proud to share great achievements in paleontology of Brookes student Damir T.
As a member of the Paleontology Club Damir participated in paleontological digging on the depleted quarry located in the Voskresensk area. And there alongside with other paleontology enthusiasts Damir worked with the layers dating back to the Late Carboniferous Period (the period prior to dinosaurs’ era) — approximately 300 million years ago. They aimed at digging and possibly finding such species as brachiopods and sea lilies.
Damir had some luck and found several brachiopods as well as the fossils of sea lilies positioned both — horizontally and vertically (in this case the cross-section can be seen in the stone).
Three of his finds were registered in his name and taken to the paleontological institute for future treatment and study.
Well done, Damir!
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