Our Speech Day 2023

Speech Day Kids

Now, as rain and snow fall outside, is a good time to look back and remember the warm days at the end of last academic year. Smile at the faces of our happy students as we concluded another successful school year with the video of our Speech Day 2023.

On Speech Day we recapped the academic year, rewarded students who excelled in their studies or extracurricular activities, and celebrated excellent results with our entire Brookes community. To top the celebration off, we were treated to a dynamic live performance that was followed by delicious refreshments and photos with friends and families as everyone said their see-you-laters for summer break.

Check out the joy of our students on video and sign up for an individual tour at Brookes Moscow to see what our school lives and breathes and what inspires our students to excel academically, creatively and athletically.

To register for a school tour, please follow this link or contact us by mail: admissions@moscow.brookes.org, or by phone: +7 499 110 7001.

Speech Day 2023

Speech day
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