Boarding News

Living away from home can be challenging when you are young, but it can be fantastically bright, warm and exciting with the support of your friends and mentors.
We would like to sum up and to share the events that took place in the previous semester. The last couple of months before New Year were full of new victories, achievements and amusement both at school, and outside. There is so much to share! A few of our boarders received an award for Student of the Month. The Boarding Student Voice members have been quite proactive, enhancing the dining room menu and making improvements to their boarding life routine. Senior students eagerly helped younger students — they are all about support and encouragement! And of course, life in boarding would not be complete without fun and joy. Visiting an amusement park, making DIY creations at art and ceramics workshops, and exchanging gifts to one another during their Secret Santa party are just a few events the boarders got to enjoy. To top it off, everyone was surrounded by wonderful friends from the boarding house during the festive activities, uniting the atmosphere of home away from home.
Our boarders enthusiastically started the new semester and they are ready for any challenges!
Начало года в пансионе Брукс