Year12 Theory of Knowledge (TOK) Exhibition

Year12 Theory of Knowledge (TOK) Exhibition is one of the highlights of the IB Diploma Programme. The event is part of the IB Core assessment encouraging the learners to reflect on thought-provoking questions such as 'Who owns knowledge? ' or 'What is the relationship between knowledge and culture? ' Each student selects one question and invites the visitors of the exhibition to explore it from different perspectives represented by three real-life objects.
This year, the parents, upper school students, teachers and members of staff could not only engage in meaningful conversations with Year 12 presenters but also get more intellectually, emotionally and kinaesthetically immersed due to the interactive nature of some objects such as a vintage typewriter or a non-specific Lego set.
Overall, the exhibition highlighted the level of critical thinking and metacognitive awareness developed by Year 12 learners, serving as a fascinating tribute to one of the core subjects of the IB Diploma Programme. The event showcased Brookes Moscow learners' communication skills, self-management and readiness to challenge themselves by examining a wide range of cultural, ethical and scientific issues explored within the IB Diploma curriculum.