«Let it Bee» by our Talented Year 3 and Year 4 Students


What a delightful performance of «Let it Bee» by our talented Year 3 and Year 4 students last Thursday! This buzzy musical told the entertaining and educational story about the incredibly important role bees play in our ecosystem.

The young cast did a wonderful job acting out the lives of worker bees, drones, the queen bee, and beekeepers. With lively songs, creative dances, and humorous dialogue, they taught us all about how bees pollinate fruits and vegetables, make honey and beeswax, and face threats like pesticides and habitat loss.

A big thank you to the students and teachers who put so much work into this fun and informative production. Their efforts raised awareness about why we need to protect our precious pollinators. After seeing their show, we’re all buzzing with new appreciation for the humble but hardworking bee! Well done to the cast and crew on a magnificent musical.

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